Outdoor Camping Tents Buying Guides
| Cathy S
Camping is a great way to enjoy the great out of doors, explore new places or just enjoy getting away for a few days when you have a limited budget. Camping is inexpensive and fun if you have the right gear and the most important of all your gear is an outdoor camping tent.
A camping tent provides you protection from the elements and a safe warm place to sleep. It is your home away from home whether you are partaking in a backyard camp out for one night or a month long trek into the mountains. So understanding, the different types of camping tents and what kind will best meet your needs will help you choose the best one for you and your family. Keep these in mind if you want to choose the right tent for your camping trip.
The first thing you need to think about is exactly what kind of tent you will need. Camping tents come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and some work well in certain situations than others will. If you will be sleeping more than two people in the tent, consider a family sized tent. Be sure to get a size that can offer a little extra space. You don't want everyone cramped together while trying to sleep. Plus, having a tent too small can leave you pressed up against the walls which could be damp with condensation.
You should also think about how you will be transporting the tent. Some outdoor camping tents weigh a great deal more than others, making them almost impossible to lug around if you are hiking to your camping spot. Also, you need to think about the size of the tent because you will want it to small enough to fit in your backpack. If you will be pulling right up to your fire with your vehicle, however, you can use one of any weight. The size may still matter, if you have a small vehicle and already have many other items to pack.
Think about the weather that you will be using your tent in. Outdoor camping tents are designed for different seasons. For summer, it doesn't much matter on how think or durable the tent is toward cold weather. However, you will want one that offers a high quality shell to keep the rain out. When camping in the fall or winter, be sure to get a tent that was made with these seasons in mind. Having a thin camping tent that is made for summer will not cut it. You can find the weather and seasonal information printed right on the box of most camping tents.
Finally, you should always keep your budget in mind when shopping for camping tents. These items can range in price from just under $100 to almost $1000. It is important that you do not skimp when it comes to purchasing your tent. If you have to, purchase other lower priced supplies so that you can get a tent that will keep you safe and warm throughout the night.
Alvantor has two types of tents that are perfect for Outdoor Camping.
For SUMMER: fits 5- 15 people, 30s quick install, sun protection, breathable, affordable.
shop now £199.99
For WINTER: fits 5- 15 people, 30s quick install, non-toxic , soft, transparent, keep warm in winter, affordable.
【Portable Pop-up Outdoor Gazebo】 Versatile Screened-In Igloo Tent Allows You to Take Shelter, Entertain, Play & Dine in the Great Outdoors | Enjoy Dependable Protection from Wind, Sun, Insects & Other Threats While Camping, Hiking, Relaxing on the Beach, Tailgating & Picnicking
【Ready To Use Straight Out The Box】 No Complex Assembly or Tools Required! | Single-Person Setup Lets You Enjoy Your Dome On-the-Go in Nearly Any Outdoor Environment in a Matter of Seconds
【Fits 5-15 People】 Alvantor Big Bubble Gazebo providing a spacious interior shelter that comfortably fits 5-15 adults, huge interior space for patio furniture. Multiple panel super transparent PVC, allows a clear, 360°view.
【PVC Panels】 The Alvantor bubble tent is made of non-toxic , soft, transparent, robust 300mic, UV resisted, NPFA 701 - ASTM E84 Fire Retardant PVC, which can keep warm in winter
【Customers Satisfication First】: Alvantor bubble tent offers a 1-year limited warranty.
shop now £399.99
As you can see, there are many outdoor camping tents that people can choose from when buying camping supplies. The choice you make for your tent should be based on your needs of space, number of people they can accommodate, warmth, and how lightweight the materials are. Price, durability, and easy of putting together should also be considered. Understanding what each type of camping tent will offer will help you to purchase the right one for your trip.